There is a strong commitment in the Benton School District to the creation and maintenance of a school environment that presents our students with the opportunity to study and learn under the best conditions possible. A key factor in providing a positive learning environment is the success realized by the school in its effort to promote positive behavior among its students. The Benton School District offers an educational program designed to meet the academic, career, and social needs of its students. Just as students have the right to expect programs of high quality where they can fully develop their knowledge and skills, the school also expects all students to participate in a positive and productive manner. This balance between a quality program and positive student behavior ensures an effective learning environment for all. The maintenance of a good learning atmosphere depends upon a sustained and cooperative effort on the part of students, parents or guardians, teachers and administrators.
The success of our program depends upon the cooperation, understanding, and responsible decision making of students, parents, and school personnel.
The entire faculty and staff of the Benton School District wish you an enjoyable and successful school year.
Vision, Mission, and Core Values
The Benton School District will be recognized as one of the finest public school districts in the State of Wisconsin with programs insuring that each student will achieve his or her potential and succeed in the world of tomorrow.
The Benton School District's mission is to provide an educational program designed to effectively and efficiently meet the academic, career, personal, and social needs of its students in the best learning climate possible.
Core Values
Our core values reflect our fundamental priorities and become the basis for decisions and actions. The core values which will guide us in achieving our mission and vision are
- cooperation with family and community
- equality and fairness
- ethical behavior
- excellence
- mutual respect
- self worth
- supportive learning environment
The District will be forward-thinking in its approach toward education, using the following framework in continuously addressing its main areas of operation.